Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Learning Korean? Not so easy.

Another instance of funny pronunciation errors...

I'm watching an awful, awful movie on TV while I "clean my room." (Read: stare at my junk wishing I was telekinetic.) So I sound out the title, "Po-li-na." Well, I had a similar mistake to the mis-read on Saturday. After 15 minutes of searching, I had to remember Jim Belushi's name (because I couldn't remember Steven Seagal's name to look up the movie on IMDB, what with Paulina not bringing up any titles at all). Then I had to Google, "looks like Jim Belushi" and sure enough, on the tenth hit there it was. Good ol' Steven Seagal.

So I go to his profile, and I scroll, scroll, scroll, and find nothing. No Paulina! Well, maybe IMDB is out of date? I wonder. No, it's a pretty old movie. And then I see it. Not Paulina: The Foreigner. D'OH!

I'm putting together a tutorial to show why I'm so inept at reading English in Korean, haha.


Julie Southern (Studio Sherwood) said...

(Read: stare at my junk wishing I was telekinetic.) = HILARIOUS

Julie Southern (Studio Sherwood) said...

that movie is a 2.8 out of 10. That really should explain why Pops never watches Steven Segall movies. But he does look a bit like Jim Belushi, which I never noticed before.

Wow. The movies would be SO MUCH BETTER if Jim Belushi were actually IN them...