Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stringy Not Loopy

Today was the start of Korean lessons! And so Heather, Chris and I trudged to our respective bus stops at ten this morning, two of us a bit under the weather (the two soju participants, heh heh). Armed with coffee, pepero, and Coke, we headed downtown, chatting merrily. I was pleasantly pleased to have an easier time squeezing into the small bus seats. Yay broken leg diet!

After grabbing a deeeelicious McDonald's breakfast, we headed over to the YMCA where we had our first Korean lessons. It was definitely entry level, but I enjoyed the class, practicing my pronunciation, and putting some hoity-toity brat in her place. "I just don't get it! How is this being conjugated!" she proclaimed in the first lesson of an entry-level class when we are trying to master the ALPHABET. After confusing our four instructors and getting excessive eye rolls from Heather, I explained, "It's the command form." It kind of wasn't, but she was quiet after that and I was established as the Queen of the Universe once again.

Then H, C, and I went to an Indian restaurant. I'd never had Indian food before, and it was delicious! After teaching about curry and nan to my kids in Carnival 4, I finally got to experience it, and it was really, really good. It was spicy for sure, but in a very interesting and flavorful sort of way.

Throughout the afternoon I puttered around, played some computer games, and in general relaxed my foot/ankle/leg/knee. It's time to stop living in denial: my leg isn't 100%, and it's okay to have a low key day. To reward my inactivity (haha), I made a truly miraculous invention: The Camembert Bagel Bomb. I took 126 grams (whatever that is?) of Camembert and warmed it through and through until it was all melty, then smashed the daylights out of it between a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel from Costco. If you're having troubles with too many trips to the bathroom in a day, I recommend it! Deeeeelicious~

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